The Miami Heat are throwbacking way too much

Throwbacks now seemed forced. 

The Miami Heat have worn these 1990s throwbacks nearly every game since they were first worn a few weeks ago. I guess it’s a good luck charm since they are on this winning streak.

As much as I like them going throwback, it’s a little too much. Sometimes a throwback is appreciated when it’s seen not as frequently. But with the Heat, they are killing the uniqueness of the set. From the bad fonts, ugly dropshadow, imbalanced piping, it was all bad.

And surprisingly, the Bulls decided to match them with their throwback. This was one of my favorites growing up but after viewing it, I don’t think it’s as good as I thought it was. The pinstripes are nice, but I don’t know if it works in today’s basketball. It’s a good uniform for the 1990s, but I am glad it lasted only two seasons then.

I like throwbacks as much as the next person, but too much of a good thing can be harmful. This is that one case and the Heat are abusing it.