The new Jets uniforms are acceptable

I have some issues with these new Jets uniforms but they aren’t bad in some sense. Their shade of green is great and that reflects very well on the helmets. My issue with this set is that the use of black just isn’t working for me.

Well, the black outline on the numbers doesn’t look bad but it isn’t necessary. What if the team didn’t include black at all in any part of their uniform? I feel that black isn’t necessary. If they didn’t have black, this mono-black uniform would be gone.

But the biggest issue I feel is the NEW YORK plastered on the front. This isn’t college football. We don’t need this. The Browns did the same thing and they instantly regretted it.

The wings on the shoulder and on the pants stripes are OK. Not great. But not bad. It just feels like this has a great potential and maybe the helmet is the only touchdown overall. It just feels like in 10 years, the Jets may have another uniform change.
