Is this the new New Orleans Pelicans logo?

Is this the new logo?

Is this the new logo?

This logo is surfacing on the Internet from

There is no word on whether or not this is the real logo for the New Orleans Pelicans. But it’s an interesting logo. I could be a secondary logo to their primary, but the look of it is pretty simple and it does feature the elements that the Bensons are looking for.

Overall, it’s a nice looking logo and if it is the real deal, I can live with it. If it’s just a concept, I think it’s a nice one. I would prefer a logo that made the pelican look more fierce, but I think a simple logo like this can go a long way.

But I doubt this is real just because it looks like a logo that’s slapped on a random cap. And it’s not even centered. But hey, we have about a year to wonder what could be and what ifs about this rebranding of the Hornets.