I’m hearing that the Dallas Stars are getting a new uniform set this season. But with the shortened season, I am not sure it will happen this year. Next year maybe?
Regardless, they are celebrating the 20th anniversary of their move to Dallas with the above patch. I am trying to look through this patch to figure out if there are any clues about their new set.
The star remains the same with the subliminal “A” and the colors look the same. The only thing that strikes me about the logo is the font they are using.
The font they are using is BankGothic MD. It is completely different from their current font. It’s a basic, common font in my Photoshop. This doesn’t necessarily suggest that’s the new font they are using, since their 10th anniversary font was pretty generic.
Regardless, their current set is pretty boring and I am hoping that if they do get a new set, it at least is something more creative. If they just feature the star on their jersey like they did in the past, people will be happy. I will be happy.
But at least they don’t go overboard and bring back the Mooterus.
And hopefully they stop picking fights with the locals.