The Oakland Athletics played their first road game of the season on Monday and with that, they wore their new road caps. Unlike the road cap of years past, this one featured white lettering with a gold trim.
The cap alone isn’t bad. It incorporates the three colors of the Athletics.
However when paired with the road gray uniforms, it looks way out of place.
As you can see, the white on the cap doesn’t match any part of the uniform. Since the gray jerseys don’t feature white on any of their letterings or numbers, the cap sticks out like a sore thumb. It just doesn’t work. The design of the cap is best suited for their green alternate.
This cap, from a distance, look just like the cap the A’s wore in 1993. That cap was worn for one season before they changed it.
I don’t understand the decision to make that the full-time road cap. Wouldn’t it have made more sense to make that cap the alternate and only pair it with the green jerseys? A three-cap rotation would have been fine. But that’s not the case and looking at the new cap, it just looks worse than I expected.