The Cardale Jones praise? I don’t get it

So earlier in the day, Cardale Jones tweeted this.

Some speculated that he would announce his entry into the NFL Draft. Some hoped that he’d stay at Ohio State. His stock is really high so leaving for the pros made sense. He then held a nationally televised press conference for his announcement.

Then he made the announcement.

When he did announce that he plans to stay at Ohio State, there was praise for him being a mature kid.

That led to some people wondering about the decision. My first thought was the presentation. Why make a big deal out of something like this? Humble yourself and stop drawing attention all to yourself.

Others also had some remarks about how Jones approached it.

And of course, the real story here is this:

I’m all for the kid staying in school after he mocked the actual school a while back. But doing it like this? Humble yourself kid.

I don’t understand why he’s getting so much praise.
