Thinking of the city of Baltimore

I’ve been watching the news and just watching the devastation to the city of Baltimore. The pain in the voices of those who feel betrayed is haunting. The unnecessary violence on the streets is frightening. What should be a time of recovery has turned into a time of fear.

As a sports writer, I have to see how the sports world is reacting to this and for the most part it’s been very good. I like the decision made by the Orioles to postpone the first two games of their series against the White Sox and then to just play the last game without any distractions. At this point, the league knows they have to get these games in and doing them without risking the safety and common sense of the whole situation is well done.

Still, it’s terrifying to see this happen. It happened not too long ago with Ferguson. It will continue going on when another injustice arises and the trust of the public is betrayed. For a country built on freedom and the product of the best melting pot of different people, we still can’t seem to find a way to care for one another and love one another. Instead, these injustices seem to happen. And even when something may or may not have been done wrong, our reaction and the decision to riot destroys and kind of fairness to each other. I pray for this to end, but I fear that we haven’t learned a thing yet. Violence in reaction to violence is never the answer.

