Please support me and my church on my mission trip to Mexico

Please help support this BTTF fan in his mission trip.

From July 22-28, I will be going on a mission trip to Mexico with my church (Trinity Church of the Nazarene). On this mission trip I will join my church’s youth (teenagers) group to provide a week of Vacation Bible School (a Christian summer program) to the kids at an orphanage in Ensenada. Along with Azusa Pacific University and our sister church Iglesia Luz y Poder Ministerios Cristo Vive, we will facilitate arts & crafts, activities and games with the kids. Ultimately, our goal is to share the Gospel of Jesus through many different activities, songs of worship and through authentic relationships.

This is my first time on a mission trip and first time going to Mexico. And as a leader for our youth group on the trip, I know God wants me to not only lead the kids but also lead our youth in faith as well. I feel God wants to use my passion and talents here for the kids. I am excited to go and grow!

How can you support us? First and foremost, please pray for me, my team and the kids at the orphanage. Prayer is the most powerful thing we have and I believe that with prayer, we can be filled with the spirit of God to reach these kids with the Gospel.

Additionally, we are looking for financial support. The financial goal I need to raise for the trip is $100 and it is likely that I will easily reach that. However, any amount I receive over the $100 goal will go towards the mission budget. That extra money goes towards more supplies, more food, more resources and potentially many more things the Lord can bless us with.

Would you like to support us?

Thank you and God bless you! God is good!


**To make a financial donation: Donate online here (make sure to select Mission-Youth2Mexico)

Hit me up if you have any questions!
